SwitchGrocery Tasting Show PSMF Bread Recipe

Episode 6: SwitchGrocery Tasting Show - Making Protein Sparing (PSMF) Loaf with Muskoka Mornings

In this weeks episode of the SwitchGrocery Tasting Show, Brie makes the famous Protein Sparing (PSMF) Loaf using Muskoka Mornings Egg White Protein Powder! 


What is the Recipe for our PSMF Bread?! (Timestamp starting at 3:35)

Check out the recipe HERE

How should I mix egg whites? (Timestamp 4:15 and 9:20)

Brie explains how long and how fast to mix egg whites to get the perfect fluffy peaks for baking!

What is Muskoka Mornings? (Timestamp 5:10)

Muskoka Mornings Egg White Protein Powder is a protein powder made from egg whites! The eggs are all Canadian (most from Ontario) and it lets you add protein without changing the taste!  Neha loves adding it to her Keto Chow for an extra boost of protein! 

What Oil should I use? (Timestamp 14:20)

Brie loves olive oil, but has also tried coconut oil, butter and ghee and they all worked great!

Thank you so much for watching Episode 6 and see you next week! 


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